Notes on James Joyce's Eveline (1904)

James Joyce

Cultural references in the text -> Exile in Switzerland and constant reference to Ireland.

1st published in 1914 but critics say it was ready by 1905 or 1907.

Joyce said about Dubliners: “A chapter of the moral history of my country”

Dublin -> decay, ugliness, evil, perversion -> “the center of paralysis” -> nationalism, religion -> discomfort in relation to his origins and profession as an artist –

Bloomsday – 16th June

*Things like history, family, past, roots stop Eveline from changing her life.

Short story – one significant moment in the life of a character, a moment of crisis that contains its whole life. (definition)

Interplay between Past-Present is constant in the story.
3rd person narrator.
Closeness to the object
Adjectives: dusty, yellowing, decay
Eveline: sees, hears (no action) in the scene

*In opposition to the scene (present) we have a narrative summary (past).

“everything changes”. No commas in the text. Free indirect speech.
Home relates to food and shelter but not love.
Violence and money questions. Emotional deprivation from her father.
In spite of all difficulties, she doesn’t find it wholly undesirable.
Narrative summary for Frank (the opposite of her father)

The dusty Dublin x Buenos Aires (Good Airs)
-> Back to the window and the Present, some time has elapsed (time is moving), tension is subtle and subdued
Eveline is still and quiet but there’s an internal turmoil.

First move – she jumps
In the quay the boat symbolises escape, new life.
Bell -> in her heart and on the boat
Sea -> Idea of crossing, where the vessel is the mean, but she’s not able to make it.