Austen vs Radcliffe (Daniel Serravalle de Sá)

Austen vs Radcliffe

·         Austin’s appreciation of contemporary literature, and her abilities to take its conventions and reinscribe then in her idiosyncratic form.

·         Morland as the Female Quixote, perceptions of the world shaped by the literature she reads. Sensibility learned from reading certain kinds of books. Sentimentalism as a pose rather than nature.

·         Whereas the Radcliffean heroine requires fortitude to overcome her sentimental excesses, Austen replaces her fictional poses, such as sensibility, which a social propriety which itself becomes the correct definition of feminity.

·         Ruin: Represents the antithesis of Augustan ideal: the triumph of chaos over, imagination over rationalism, nature over.

·         Typical threats of the Gothic villain: rape, murder, kidnap, marry for lust and fiscal gain.

·         Montoni’s evil is exaggerated by Emily’s vivid imagination D’Alambert is closer to the conception depicted by The Monk and Melmoth.

Austen exposed her structure. Radcliffe didn’t take it to the next level